The computer design could be discussed for hours - it is almost the same as talking about art. Throughout history, the mankind has sought for a diversity of the surroundings. It is a commendable zeal, I hasten to say. So, with the advent of home and office computers, a new problem appeared. Your may not believe but it concerns the design of computer case.

Modders, this is what modding-lovers are called, are actively introducing new self-designed and homemade computer cases, invent new technologies and approaches to make their unique home computers so that they will stand out from the crowd and enjoy possessing an exclusive computer with heretofore unseen features, forms, etc., i.e. a real modding thing.
Any modding computer consists of main serial units and components, whose appearance and features are developed and upgraded. Modding concerns not only the outer parameters of computer hardware, but also the complex technical modernizations, such as an increased processor speed, RAM starting, etc.

An excellent contribution to any modding makes Airbrush. This is a specific trend, a way to draw with acrylic nitroenamel paints on the computer hardware using a miniature sprayer - aerograph. The computer decorated by the master will look so wonderful that people can not forget it. So, if you get interested in modding or want to do something by yourselves, visit our site.
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